If you have ever found yourself lost joining a social network as a newbie, you are not alone. When I signed on to Facebook, I had same issue, when I signed on to Twitter it was the same story.
How did I find my way?
A friend showed me how to use twitter with the basics. The rest I pretty much figure out on my own. While exploring the social web, especially twitter, I noticed that the people who were getting things done and having fun while at it on twitter were formed into groups and communities. Breaking into those communities and joining the conversation can be very tasking for a newbie, you would agree with me. My solution is define who you are and what you want out of the social web and join a community that shares your interests.
I have been able to spot many communities here on twitter, some are formal, some are informal. They have provided an entry point and a means of joining the online conversation. We have the #usguys, a community of professionals who talk about social media, tech and how it can affect their lives and help grow businesses. There is also Tribber. Tribber is a group of bloggers who provide support for one another by helping each others message and posts go viral, you can join only by being invited by an already existing member. So, Tribber is exclusive.
Time would fail me if I go on to run through all the groups that are, as some are not even as formal as the two I have mentioned. If you take your time to observe you would see them from the way they form here on twitter.
We launched our community of tech lovers and friends on the 13th of May 2011 with Deborah Elzie as our honourable guest.