woot! woot! today is a greatday!
I am having my groove on. I can't hold it any longer, I had to blog about it. There are several experts, Ninjas, Pundits, Jedi and social media gurus, who state different Rules, to do and not do on the social web. I usually try them all, If any particular one works for me I use it, If it doesn't work I drop it.
It is easier to get overwhelmed with the different rules that are peddled everywhere online. Many of them are great, but not all the ideas would work for you or your brand/business.
The first question to answer is;
'What am I here for? Next;
Who do I want to connect with?
Why do I want to connect with him/them?
what is my message?
Your answer to these questions would be your guide to the type of twitter guide line that would work best for you.
What am I here for?
In my case I started as an explorer, I wanted to know how twitter works, it was just an adventure. However, I have now matured in it. I have been able to discover a new reason for being on twitter.
I am on twitter to connect and share mobile, web, technology and digital marketing information. I would also be connecting with individuals that have a love for Photography.
Who do I want to connect with?
Who I connect with would be determined by my answer to the first question (What am I here for). Instead of using automated tools to follow people, I would find tools and tips that would help me to follow folks who belong to my community.
The reason it is vital for you to connect with your kind based on your interest is, it is easy to engage with them, They would follow you naturally as they would find value in your tweets. On your own part you will ensure that your tweets are targeted to add value to your tribe/follower/community. [Listen + Create + Curate + Share + Respect = Conversation]
Why do I want to connect with him/her/them?
The three (3) levels of connection.
1) Your Mentors
You would follow some, because their tweets are information you need, they may serve as your news feed. this group of people may never follow you back. For me, I follow @Briansolis @Chrisbrogan @Zen_Habits. They provide values that help me to grow, I sometimes re-share their tweets too.
2) Your Peers
These are people that are about the same level of competence with you. Here both of you would provide support for each other. You would share same interests with them too, this would make it easy for them to see relevance in what you share and follow you back. Personally, I don't think it is Ideal for you to ask for a follow back, when they see value and relevance in your tweets, they would follow you naturally. While following them, retweeting any nice content of theirs may be another way for them to want to check you out and follow you back. Winning!!!!
3) Your Fans
These are people who admire what you are and what you do, and would like to learn from you. You shouldn't be too proud to connect with them. often times they would be the bridge to connect you with what you need at a point it time. Follow them if you find value in them too, don't follow for sympathy and then unfollow. You can create a twitter list to monitor them and follow them eventually.
Some have decided to follow everyone, but ignore their timeline, paying attention only to those in their list. You become very valuable to someone when you are included in their twitter list.
what is your message?
As a brand, personal or corporate, you should have message. What should be your message?
Your message should add value to your community and followers. Don't just promote yourself. Pundits have said you should do it, in Ratio 9:1. promote nine items of other people before promoting your own stuffs. (except if you are a news or job advert company.
Don't just blast adverts, links and personal dialogue. Respond to others too, retweet (RT) stuffs you find awesome, and DO NOT RT without reading. In any case, if what you RT is of less value, your integrity would be undermined.
Feel free to twick and personalize your experience on twitter. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. when you fail, you can always trace your mistake and get it better. I remember when i use to use hash tag (#) indiscriminately, ha ha ah!
While I was putting up this article I ask two awesome friends Mars Dorian and Tia Sparkles the following question “Do you follow rules or do you find what works best for you in social media as a networking tool?’
Tia – “I do what feels good to me. social media Rules are made to be broken, follow your intuition and go against the grain, be YOU.’
Mars – “I believe you should make your own rules.
Action steps
* Answer the above questions for yourself
* Experiment, don’t be afraid to fail. test/re-test
* Connect with those producing result within your community
* Be original, be you
* Have fun
Which rules set by the EXPERTS have you broken lately?
What challenges are you having right now with twitter [personal/business]?
If you find this article useful, you may want to subscribe, share it and connect with me on twitter and Facebook for more convo.
Thank you for sharing new insight into using SocialMedia with positive results.
Great post and it reminds us that rules were meant to be redefined and in some cases broken by true innovators. It's fine to listen and apply the wisdom of social experts but don't those rules box you in. Always seek to expand.
Thank you for stopping by. Would love to know if you've used social media to some positive result too ;)
Nice twist to that, innovators do not always agree to old ways of doing things, they cause change. Listen to them, but adapt to suit your goal. Hope to catch up with you on the inter-web soon. Thanks.
Love your points Jesse! I totally agree, it is different for everyone. For that reason I think we all need to be very much looking to experiment. If we look for "best practices" and stick to the ones we find and do nothing else, then I think we will miss out on a lot of the joy which Twitter brings.
I love the clarity of how you phrase the three levels of connection, that is very well put!
I'm a fellow Zen Habits fan :)
experiment = The joy of twitter. nicely said. I hope more people discover that.
(((hugs))) we need to keep mind fit so, Zen Habits :-). catch you around. soon.
Wow! This is so real and unconsciouly I have been following these sets of 'rules' in my various Social Media platform. I would be back for more tips later. Thanks for sharing.
I am glad to have you come on board. One critical aspect of learning is sharing. What we learn and share we retain for a longer period.
I am glad you found this simple tips interesting. You spur me to keep it up. *giggles*