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    Social Media for African and African Businesses and startups

    Social is becoming the definition of our lives and existence. There is a touch of social in everything right now. With mobile growing ever bigger, it is keeping more and more people connected and engaged on the social web. This has moved many businesses to explore this opportunities and move to where the market is. However, it has been observed that most businesses are still in doubt of how to measure the success and benefits of social media as a business building tool.

    There are examples of businesses who have taken the bold step and  have been reaping the benefit of using social media,

    June 3rd (2011) would be time to  have our #mbGeeks monthly twitter chat. The Theme is; “Social Media in Africa for African businesses and startups.”

    We would be having Mark Kaigwa as guest. He is a

    Kenyan-born and Africa-focused strategist passionate about a new African narrative.Wrote an award-winning videogame for Warner Bros. Interactive and animation work for Warner Bros. Animation. Creative Director @ PlugIn Africa. Independent Curator of African Animated Films, most recently for CinemAfrica in Stockholm. Working with brands, agencies & nonprofits to communicate to a new generation of Africans online.Social Media Pundit for NTV and occasionally KTN, KBC Radio, Kiss 100 & Capital FM. Speaker on Social Media, Innovation, Tech & African Startups.


    We would be discussing the following questions;

    1) What can businesses in Africa use Social Media for?

    2) Does Social media work?

    3) How do we best measure success in social media?

    4) How do we localize our strategy so as to provide valuable contents?

    5) How have you been using social media to reach your clients?

    6) Should social media be within the organization or should it be outsourced?

    7) Any other questions and conclusion.

    Those are the questions we would be considering together and with our guest. The chat would last for an hour. You are free to answer the questions. The questions are for discussion so that we can all share and learn. they are not for the guest only.

    You can consider the following articles in preparation for the chat;

    Social Media: What Most Companies Don't Know by Harvard Business Review

    Engage with purpose Brian Solis

    Gary Vaynerchuk: “99.5 Percent Of Social Media Experts Are Clowns” (TCTV) [VIDEO]

    Unveiling the social media “CLOWN”

    The date of the chat is Friday June 3rd, 2011 on twitter. Time is 12noon GMT. Join by signing into twitter and following with the hashtag #mbgeeks. You can use tweetchat, hootsuite, tweetdeck or any other twitter client that would allow you to filter your twitter stream.

    If you are having any question, you can tweet at me (@JesseOguns) and would attend to your question. You can also fill the comment section below.

  2. 1 comments:

    1. 'Tunji Alao said...

      Looking forward to this chat

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