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  1. Time and again, I have been told; 'If you want to be taken seriously, remove the blogspot and get your own domain.

    You're probably wondering why am I using a free blogger domain & hosting.

    Enemy Of Starting

    Have you tried to start a new project, but find yourself procastinating it? It can be caused by the size of work needed and your skill base.

    If I had waited to learn all I needed to learn & get the answer to my blogging questions, I may never have started.

    I found blogger easier to set up, update and use. As time went by, I experimented different thing on the blog. Thanks to this blog, I have learnt a lot.


    As I plan to grow my Digital Marketing business, there is need for me to differenciate my services. Blogger is not as robust as WorsPress. Wordpress has a large developer community creating widgets for it regularly..

    The Questions I have

    1. What Name should I use? I have been brainstorming that for a while now. I have a few names in my note book. I will be registering the best option before the end of July.

    2. Should I get a free hosting or should I pay for hosting? When I started off, I wanted a WordPress Blog, It was even done for me. I did not have an idea what Hosting meant. Later, I found out I had only 250mb space in the hosting plan I payed for. Small, right? I never knew what it meant. I am wondering what plan to go for and why?

    3. What colour should I use? I know colours play an important role in branding. For Digital marketing for small businesses and startup, what colours will be nice?

    4. Who should I write for? This was a question I did not answer when I started my blogger account. Now I know who am writing for - Small Businesses and Statup looking for how to use Digital Marketing to build their business.

    5. How often should I write? I am still thinking on that. I think I will start with once in a week. I will still keep this blog and publish some general thoughts here. As soon as I can maintain publishing once in a week regularly, I will then examine twice or three times.

    Those are the questions I am having.

    If you can help me with answer to any one of them please do, using the comment. I will be grateful.

    Mainwhile, I am still searching via the web and with my friends do. I will do a post Answering these questions when I finally decide the options to take.

    Tomorrow, I will be writing on; How to write short interesting posts. A follow-up to the post I wrote yesterday. If you've not read it, you can grab it now - WHY LEARN TO WRITE SHORT INTERESTING POSTS.

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