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  1. 'Hey! Your blog is beautiful, I love the design.'

    How will you feel if you get that compliment from your Facebook and Twitter friends? Good, I guess.

    Depending on why you set up your blog, you might want to ignore that compliment until you have answers to the following questions. This are questions I find out I am always asking when I visit a blog. I am amazed sometimes,some blogs lack answer to these questions.

    What will your answers be?


    Q1 - Who are you? I want to know If I can trust what I want to read, so I want you to provide an answer to that on your blog. Sadly some blogs only have a very brief description, which does not convert me. To be converted, your about page, should be able to sell your brand to me as quickly and easily as possible

    Q2 - What is your blog about - I may have come to your site via a tweet, search or word of mouth. Your blog should tell me by your heading what I am expected to see, except you are a very popular brand like Seth Godin. It's possible your blog is about everything & anything, let me know. Your blog heading should be descriptive. This is also good for SEO (Search)

    Q3 - How can I find posts you've written on a subject? - Does your blog have a search box? It will only help to keep me longer on your blog. To discover things I like. It is better you place it where I can easily find it. You can use the one provided by Google.

    Q4- Can I add your blog to my RSS feed? - I am mobile 80% of the time rather than on my laptop. I prefer using my snaptu reader (May be this is just me) when I see your site and love your content. I will like to bookmark it via RSS feed. I still find it hard, some blogs do not render RSS feed to my reader. Some people prefer feeds rather than logging in to to your blog directly. So, do you have it?

    Q5- Do you have social sharing buttons? Please write me if you find a blog without social sharing button(s) at least twitter, facebook and email. It's a must if you want others to easily spread your message.

    Q6- How do I contact you? - I got to a Mobile Money blog/site. I was shocked to find out the only contact they had was their physical address, no email or phone number! Except you are not blogging for business, then how to contact you may be trivial. I may want to hire you or book you as a speaker, or buy your product.

    Q7- Do you offer any service? This is a question I ask when I have already been sold on your brand. If you don't have the answer, you loose an opportunity to sell to me. You should have a product or service page information.

    These are very simple questions to answer and execute.

    Won't you agree with me, that a well designed blog, that loads fast, easy to navigate, and answers the 7 questions above will do better than those that lack them?

    I will like to hear your thoughts. What questions do you ask when you visit a blog? Please share it in the comment section.

  2. 3 comments:

    1. job kimani said...

      Thanks alot 4 this advice, i have updated my blog to try answer these questions.however i am not sure how to do the RSS feed, please advise

    2. Fitdad said...


      Thanks for stopping by and re-blogging my post. I never used or observed that feature. That is the benefit of a community sharing together. Thumbs up!

      For you Blogger's blog, It is automatic. I just checked your blog and found out that, I can subscribe to your feed via RSS.

      Let me know when you answer the other questions. Feel free to mail me or tweet at me if you need anything.

    3. Furiously taking notes Jesse as I take baby steps in the proccess of setting up my own blog. Very useful pointers! Thank you.

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