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    Aug 14, 2010

    Are you familiar with the story of the would-be butterfly that was helped out ofhis cocoon? I'll tell it briefly here.
    A young man was walking pass one day and saw a cocoon with a small opening. Fo rseveral hours he sat and watched as the butterfly tried to get out. Then it seemed to stop making progress. It seemed to have gotten as far as it could, so the young man decided to help the would-be butterfly. He used his pocket knifeand snipped the remaining bit of the cocoon.
    Thebutterfly then emerged easily. (the butterfly was shown the easy way out0, butsomething was strange. The butterfly had a swollen body and a wing thatcouldn't fly. He watched the butterfly and expected it would fly any moment.The truth, the butterfly never flew (I guess the FLY part of the butter-FLY hadbeen taken out so that it remained only BUTTER). The butterfly was never ableto fly.

    Whathappened to the butterfly could also happen to us if we are always looking forthe easy way out. The process we should go through when handling a project issimilar to the process a butterfly goes through before it becomes fully formed.The would-be butterfly was supposed to struggle its way out of the cocoon, thisis what would have ensured its success.
    Are you working on a project?
    Are you starting a new business?
    Are you in a relationship?
    Are you in school?
    Whateverit is that you have decided to do please do not look for the easy way out. Obstaclesalong the way ensure that the best in us comes out. An age old book has this to say;
    'consider it all joy my brothers, when you meet with various trials...that you may be complete and sound...'

    Stop looking for the easy way out, face those challenges now and you'll come out with flying colours.

    What strategy have you used recently that has help you to forge ahead and break your own cocoon? let your voice be heard, drop your comment here?

  2. 2 comments:

    1. samuel said...

      hey bro, am feeling you. You make me think of what am currently working on.

    2. Fitdad said...

      thanks for dropping by sam.

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