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  1. This statistic is huuuugggeeee!

    Though it may not be exactly 100% accurate, it does give us an insight into how important facebook is to us.

    Admit it or not, for those who have access to internet on their phone or their computer or both, you would almost always find a larger percentage having a facebook account. The obsession with facebook is so much that companies are using it as an engagement tool with their customers.

    If you were a fisherman, won't you rather fish during the time fishes can be found and where they can be found? My question is; is the obsession with facebook having an impact into our offline relationships? Or could it be said to be a superficial kind of connection? Feel free to enjoy the infographics from SocialHype and

    As you go through the infographics, what do you have to say about the involvement of people with facebook and other social networking sites? lets hear from you, use the comment box below.

    Obsessed with Facebook
    Via: Online Schools

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