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  1. This is the first guest blog post on the Brand Evangelist. I have been quiet for a while, but I have had so many things to write but I haven't published them. With Sade Adetayo doing me the honour and guest blogging here, I might just publish more frequently here.

    This post is going to help you decide what tablet you should buy. I know folks are always looking for guidance on what tablet to that meets their specification. I leave you to Sade.

    Things You Should Know Before Buying a Tablet by Sade Adebayo

    Digital life is constantly changing and developing. And the moment you thought portable computers were the last frontier of technology, tablets came in and revolutionized the whole trend and the ways people work, read, communicate, learn and inform themselves.

    If you intend to buy one of yourself or give one for Christmas, here are a couple of things you should keep in mind before purchasing it, especially when it comes to understanding which one is the best.

    The Price is Right - There are many different kind of tablets, for all sorts of needs and tastes. Of course, some brands are more expensive than others due to different reasons, one of which can be the quality of the article you're purchasing. For example, iPads and the latest Samsung tablets are two of the most expensive in the market, but are also known for their great performance. The newer models are very expensive, but even last-year's models are just as good and can be found second hand online or computer stores with a “second hand” section; all apps can still be downloaded as before and their software is just as good.

    Choose your Operating System - Another very influential thing is the system they use and which one suits you best. Basically, there are three main operating systems: iOS (Apple), Android (Google) and Windows. They all have different features and they aim to satisfy different sorts of users. According to your needs (business, leisure, reading, writing) one will be better than the others, just check them out!

    Size matters - The size is also very important: tablets are not all the same size, which means they don’t all weight the same. So what are your utility intentions for your tablet? If you plan to just use it as an e-book reader you should try the smaller Kindle versions; but if you plan to use it as a substitute for your laptop then consider larger models. So again, according to your habits and needs you may want a bigger tablet, compromising it with a heavier weight, or a smaller but lighter one.

    Wifi? - Last but not least, the way they connect to the internet: some of them go just with a Wi-fi connection, some other have the 4G system, which basically is a tablet-version of the smartphone 3G. What's the difference? As you know, wifi connection is free (look for wifi hot-spots in your city) while 3G and 4G are dependent of a phone company contract. If you want a tablet just to read books on it consider just using wifi, downloading books while at home using your private connection, but if you're going to give it a more generalized use you'll need a sim-card from your phone company to have Internet connection on your device.

    The previous considerations are important to keep in mind before purchasing a tablet. You may be alarmed at first thinking of its price, but once you discover how useful and comfortable it is you'll forget all about it and feel glad you invested on one.

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